Friday, September 7, 2012

Notable Books

Award Winner that I just read and if you haven't started it yet --  borrow a copy today! Better late than never

Gaiman, Neil. The Graveyard Book.  New York: Harper Collins., 2008. Print.
Annotation: Nobody (Bod) Owens, orphaned after his family is murdered, finds a new home in the nearby graveyard.  His narrow escape brings him a life of adventure and learning with his ghostly parents, a supernatural guardian and helpful neighbors, albeit dead neighbors.  It takes a village.  Keeping up with Bod is a full time job.  The murderous Jack waits and searches for him on the outside and with time, fate brings them together, again.
Comments: Have your read this novel?  Listen to the 1'st line -- "THERE WAS A HAND IN the darkness, and it held a knife." Well after a line like this there is nothing to do but to dive right in.
Winner of 2009 Newbery Medal Award, Hugo Award for Best Novel, and Carnegie Medal 2010, as you read you will find yourself calling out loud to the characters to "duck, run, lookout" or maybe all three.  It is terrific fun.
If you want to read along with the author, Gaiman, click this link!

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